How to type check message arguments for actionlib goals?
I'm working on a user interface that includes a way to send actionlib goals like rostopic pub
(but also less verbosely). Since it's a user interface, I need a way to check for bad input before executing the command.
I'm using genpy.message.fill_message_args
, but it doesn't do any type checking.
I next tried genpy.message.check_type
, but it seems to fail sometimes, including on actionlib messages.
In some cases, check_type
correctly detects that there's a problem with the input types: (This is using Indigo on Ubuntu 14.04)
> pa = geometry_msgs.msg.PoseArray()
> pa.poses = [1, 2, 3]
> genpy.message.check_type('', 'geometry_msgs/PoseArray', pa)
>> SerializationError: field .poses[] must be of type [geometry_msgs/Pose]
> ma = std_msgs.msg.UInt32MultiArray()
> = ['a', 'b', 'c']
> genpy.message.check_type('', 'std_msgs/UInt32MultiArray', ma)
>> SerializationError: field .data[] must be unsigned integer type
However, in another, it does not:
> sc = my_msgs.msg.SetCourseGoal()
> sc.rotation = ['a', 'b', 'c']
> genpy.message.check_type('', 'my_msgs/SetCourseGoal', sc)
>> None
For this problematic message, rosmsg
$ rosmsg show my_msgs/SetCourseGoal
float32[3] rotation
float32 distance
and the action file is:
$ cat SetCourse.action
float32[3] rotation
float32 distance
The best I've found so far is to actually try serializing the message to a throwaway buffer, and then catch the SerializationError at that point. If this is the only reliable way to catch type errors in message arguments, then why do the other functions exist? Otherwise, does this reflect an intentional difference in how ROS treats messages derived from a .action file vs. the .msg files? Is there a tool I'm missing?
Asked by lindzey on 2017-05-08 02:21:22 UTC