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help building cpp opencv app with ROS

Have a working OpenCV app, and working rosserialarduino pieces. Want to do some tracking with OpenCV + ROS. Integrated ROS code in OpenCV app and compiles clean with catkinmake.

But catkinmake Linking cannot find libs for cvCreateCameraCapture, etc.
Line from CMakeLIsts.txt target
linklibraries(myopencvtest ${OpenCVLIBRARIES} ${catkin_LIBRARIES})

Running Indigo. Ubuntu 14.04 (actually Mint 17.1)

What do I need to do to get OpenCV libs to link in?

Asked by burtbick on 2017-04-20 13:35:05 UTC


Please post the output of catkin_make and your complete CMakeLists.txt.

Asked by Geoff on 2017-04-20 22:27:40 UTC


Thanks Geoff,

Initially wanted to keep the question brief.. As I was collecting the catkin_make output and CMakeLists.txt file I took another look at the CMakeLists.txt file and discovered that while I had the ${OpenCV_LIBRARIES} specified I had missed adding find_package(OpenCV).

Once I did that then the application linked fine.


Asked by burtbick on 2017-04-21 14:04:29 UTC
