Multiple errors when controlling an MD23 with ROS
Hey all,
We are trying to control an MD23 motor using ROS. The idea is to have the motors running at all times, and when a message is published to the MotorControl channel stop the motors for a few seconds before resuming.
However, we keep running into [ERROR] : Unable to sync with device; possible link problem or link software version mismatch such as hydro rosserial_python with groovy Arduino and [ERROR] [1491487501.264662]: Lost sync with device, restarting...
We are running on an Arduino Uno. We thought we had fixed the first error by introducing a delay after the initialization, but after a few runs it came back. We're having a hard time understanding the second error. Are we pushing too much data over the port maybe?
The code can be found in the pastebin below:
Best regards,
Asked by Meccanoid on 2017-04-06 09:25:46 UTC