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send general ROS messages to a remote server via internet

Hi All,

I want to transfer ROS message data to a remote host server which running ROS but a different roscore I looked into ros_bridge but it is used to transfer data for web HTML processing purposes. Are there any existing packages or project handle this?

Basically, i want to transfer robot status and kinect images from a local robot to a remote cloud-based server, after computation the server send commands to the robot.

Thank you!

Asked by conghui on 2017-03-29 22:01:10 UTC


Since you say you have multiple masters, you may want to research the various ROS multimaster frameworks that are available.

Asked by ahendrix on 2017-03-29 23:51:43 UTC

Hi, thanks. Actually, it is really not a multi-master related issue but only about ROS message data transferring via TCP/IP, UDP or Socket. Server can be ROS or Windows based program. Are there any existing packages or solution over there?

Asked by conghui on 2017-03-30 00:54:26 UTC

Have you seen roslibjs?

Asked by lindzey on 2017-04-05 05:05:37 UTC

yes, that is a client using java script to receive the ROS data. Any C++ or Python written client sample?

Asked by conghui on 2017-04-05 08:24:31 UTC
