IKFast doesn't work normally in the RViz and MoveIt!
I'm a student studying in Baxter for grasping task and I'm trying to use IKFast plugin in Rviz . So I have followed the official guidance ( http://sdk.rethinkrobotics.com/wiki/Custom_IKFast_for_your_Baxter ) and generated the baxter(left / right)armikfastsolver.cpp successfully. And I also edited baxtermoveitconfig/kinematics.yaml and installed the plugin.
However when I open the Rviz (by "rosrun baxterinterface jointtrajectoryactionserver.py" and "roslaunch baxtermoveitconfig baxter_grippers.launch" ), and I click the control ball and rings, the arm will shift to another error place and can't be controlled (as the screenshot shows).
And once you release your click and the ball will also go to the wrong place even if you do not move your mouse. The terminal shows :
/[ERROR] [1487821286.881428524]: Unknown marker name: 'EE:goalleftgripper' (not published by RobotInteraction class)
BTW, The KDL works normally. Any any suggestions will be very very appreciated:)
Thank you for your time,
ROSROOT=/opt/ros/indigo/share/ros ROSPACKAGEPATH=/home/jeremy/rosws/src:/opt/ros/indigo/share:/opt/ros/indigo/stacks ROSMASTERURI=http://localhost:11311 ROSLISPPACKAGEDIRECTORIES=/home/jeremy/rosws/devel/share/common-lisp ROSDISTRO=indigo ROSETCDIR=/opt/ros/indigo/etc/ros
Asked by Jeremy Liu on 2017-02-22 23:12:30 UTC
What is the error that is output in the terminal when you attempt to move the arm around with IKFast?
Asked by imcmahon on 2017-03-09 13:28:10 UTC
I have the exact same issue. And the error in the terminal is: Unknown marker name: 'EE:goal_left_gripper"
Asked by David2366 on 2017-06-13 16:04:07 UTC
Hi, did you ever get to solve this problem? I have the exact same situation right now and am looking for help! Thank you!
Asked by David2366 on 2017-06-13 16:06:23 UTC
@imcmahon The error in the terminal is: Unknown marker name: 'EE:goal_left_gripper"
Asked by Jeremy Liu on 2017-06-21 04:44:38 UTC
@David2366 I haven't solved this issue, and I am also seeking for help. So far I have used the KDL as the IK plugin
Asked by Jeremy Liu on 2017-06-21 04:47:49 UTC
Did anybody get to solve this problem?
Asked by Jeremy Liu on 2017-06-26 22:28:01 UTC