Control YouBot Arm Problem Gripper
Hi, I'm trying to control the arm of a Kuka YouBot. I have a problem with the gripper, i'm stuck with an error when i publish desiredGripPos.
The error is the following: File "/home/alessio/kukaws/src/teleopkuka/src/", line 139, in processJoints self.gripPub.publish(desiredGripPos)
Instead i have no problem with the others joints. The python code works well because i can see the changing in the values but it does not publish this values to the gripper.
Ubuntu 14 + ROS Indigo
Here the code:
import rospy
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState, Joy
from brics_actuator.msg import JointPositions, JointValue, JointVelocities
import sys
import copy
import numpy
class arm_teleop:
def __init__(self):
# rospy.init_node('arm_teleop')
rospy.Subscriber("joint_states", JointState, self.processJoints)
rospy.Subscriber('/joy', Joy, self.processJoystick)
self.armPub = rospy.Publisher('/arm_controller/position_command', JointPositions, queue_size=10)
self.velPub = rospy.Publisher('/arm_controller/velocity_command', JointVelocities, queue_size=10)
self.gripPub = rospy.Publisher('/gripper_controller/position_command', JointPositions, queue_size=10)
self.joyMsg = None
self.crntJointStates = JointState()
self.crntJointPositions = JointPositions()
self.gripperPositions = JointPositions()
self.angularStep = 0.07
self.maxVel = 1.0
self.gripStep = 0.001
self.previous_vel_change = False
self.jointBounds = [
{'upper': 5.80, 'lower': 0.011},
{'upper': 2.60, 'lower': 0.020},
{'upper': -0.015708, 'lower': -5.02654},
{'upper': 3.40, 'lower': 0.03},
{'upper': 5.60, 'lower': 0.12},
{'upper': 0.0115, 'lower': 0.0},
{'upper': 0.0115, 'lower': 0.0},
def processJoints(self, joint_states):
armStatesReceived =[10] == 'arm_joint_1'
if armStatesReceived and self.joyMsg is not None:
self.crntJointStates = copy.deepcopy(joint_states)
for index in range(0, len(joint_states.position)-2):
pos = JointValue()
pos.joint_uri = "arm_joint_" + str(index + 1)
pos.unit = "rad"
pos.value = joint_states.position[index]
pos = JointValue()
pos.joint_uri = "gripper_finger_joint_l"
pos.unit = "m"
pos.value = joint_states.position[5]
pos = JointValue()
pos.joint_uri = "gripper_finger_joint_r"
pos.unit = "m"
pos.value = joint_states.position[6]
# desiredPos = copy.deepcopy(self.crntJointPositions)
desiredGripPos = copy.deepcopy(self.gripperPositions)
self.joyMsg.axes = numpy.array(self.joyMsg.axes)
left_axis = self.joyMsg.axes[[0, 1]]
right_axis = self.joyMsg.axes[[2, 3]]
l2_axis = self.joyMsg.axes[12] * -1
r2_axis = self.joyMsg.axes[13] * -1
square = self.joyMsg.buttons[15]
x = self.joyMsg.buttons[14]
circle = self.joyMsg.buttons[13]
triangle = self.joyMsg.buttons[12]
r1 = self.joyMsg.buttons[11]
l1 = self.joyMsg.buttons[10]
r2 = self.joyMsg.buttons[9]
l2 = self.joyMsg.buttons[8]
left_dpad = self.joyMsg.axes[6] == 1
right_dpad = self.joyMsg.axes[6] == -1
up_dpad = self.joyMsg.axes[7] == 1
down_dpad = self.joyMsg.axes[7] == -1
if not self.previous_vel_change:
if square:
self.maxVel += 0.25
if circle:
self.maxVel -= 0.25
if self.maxVel < 0.25:
self.maxVel = 0.25
self.previous_vel_change = square or circle
# object that will carry all desired velocities to each joint
desiredVel = JointVelocities()
# desiredGripPos = JointPositions()
for index in range(0, len(joint_states.position)-2):
vel = JointValue()
vel.joint_uri = "arm_joint_" + str(index + 1)
vel.unit = "s^-1 rad" # radians per second
desiredVel.velocities[0].value -= left_axis[0] * self.maxVel
desiredVel.velocities[1].value -= left_axis[1] * self.maxVel
if not r1:
desiredVel.velocities[2].value -= right_axis[1] * self.maxVel
desiredVel.velocities[3].value -= right_axis[1] * self.maxVel
desiredVel.velocities[4].value -= right_axis[0] * self.maxVel * 2
desiredGripPos.positions[0].value -= r2_axis * 0.0115
desiredGripPos.positions[1].value = desiredGripPos.positions[0].value
joint_message = ''
vel_message = ''
grip_message = ''
for jointNum in range(5):
joint_message += ('joint ' + str(jointNum) + ': ' + str(self.crntJointPositions.positions[jointNum].value) + ' ')
vel_message += ('veloc ' + str(jointNum) + ': ' + str(desiredVel.velocities[jointNum].value) + ' ')
for gripNum in [0, 1]:
desiredGripPos.positions[gripNum].value = self.checkValues(desiredGripPos.positions[gripNum].value, gripNum+5)
grip_message += ('grip ' + str(gripNum) + ': ' + str(desiredGripPos.positions[gripNum].value) + ' ')
self.gripperPositions = desiredGripPos
def checkValues(self, val, jointNum):
# print("Received checkValues:", val, jointNum)
jointNum = int(jointNum)
# Limit angles for the joints, list is not entirely correct
if val > self.jointBounds[jointNum]['upper']:
val = self.jointBounds[jointNum]['upper']
elif val < self.jointBounds[jointNum]['lower']:
val = self.jointBounds[jointNum]['lower']
return val
def processJoystick(self, joyMsg):
self.joyMsg = joyMsg
def main(args):
rospy.init_node('arm_teleop', anonymous=True)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Shutting down")
if __name__ == '__main__':
Full error message:
[ERROR] [WallTime: 1485808919.140427] [197.350006] bad callback:
> Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/", line 720, in invokecallback cb(msg) File "/home/alessio/kukaws/src/teleopkuka/src/", line 155, in processJoints self.gripPub.publish(desiredGripPos) File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/", line 852, in publish self.impl.publish(data) File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/", line 1011, in publish raise ROSException("publish() to a closed topic") ROSException: publish() to a closed topic
Also the example provided by Kuka works correctly until it needs to close the gripper. At this point nothing happens. here the example
I'm working on the simulator V-REP with this youbot plugin.
Asked by Alessio on 2017-01-29 15:53:46 UTC
It looks like you haven't included the full error message in your post; in particular the part of the error message that actually says what the error is seems to be missing. It also looks like there are some formatting problems with your code.
Asked by ahendrix on 2017-01-29 18:14:50 UTC
Since indentation is important in python, please take the time to make sure that your post appears indented in the same way that it does on your computer.
Asked by ahendrix on 2017-01-29 18:15:30 UTC
The code on my pc is well formatted, I just edit my post above. I'm thinking that could be a problem related to the simulation program.
Asked by Alessio on 2017-01-30 15:51:20 UTC