ERROR : cannot identify
Hello. I input 'roslaunch elpstereocamera elpstereocamera.launch' and I got an error as below.
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ roslaunch elp_stereo_camera elp_stereo_camera.launch
... logging to /home/ubuntu/.ros/log/7b619c30-e2fe-11e6-9f1e-0022cffa2d4b/roslaunch-ubuntu-4255.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://ubuntu:41191/
* /elp/left/camera_frame_id: elp_left_optical_...
* /elp/left/camera_info_url: package://elp_ste...
* /elp/left/camera_name: elp_left
* /elp/left/framerate: 15
* /elp/left/image_height: 720
* /elp/left/image_width: 1280
* /elp/left/pixel_format: mjpeg
* /elp/left/video_device: /dev/elp_left
* /elp/right/camera_frame_id: elp_right_optical...
* /elp/right/camera_info_url: package://elp_ste...
* /elp/right/camera_name: elp_right
* /elp/right/framerate: 15
* /elp/right/image_height: 720
* /elp/right/image_width: 1280
* /elp/right/pixel_format: mjpeg
* /elp/right/video_device: /dev/elp_right
* /rosdistro: indigo
* /rosversion: 1.11.20
left (usb_cam/usb_cam_node)
right (usb_cam/usb_cam_node)
core service [/rosout] found
process[elp/left-1]: started with pid [4273]
process[elp/right-2]: started with pid [4274]
[ERROR] [1485349340.027221093]: Cannot identify '/dev/elp_left': 2, No such file or directory
[elp/left-1] process has died [pid 4273, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/indigo/lib/usb_cam/usb_cam_node __name:=left __log:=/home/ubuntu/.ros/log/7b619c30-e2fe-11e6-9f1e-0022cffa2d4b/elp-left-1.log].
log file: /home/ubuntu/.ros/log/7b619c30-e2fe-11e6-9f1e-0022cffa2d4b/elp-left-1*.log
[elp/left-1] restarting process
Please help me..
Asked by sophie.shin on 2017-01-25 08:14:54 UTC
Could I ask you to please format console copy/pastes nex ttime using the Preformatted Text button (the one with
on it)? That makes things much easier to read. Just select the text, press the button, or usectrl+k
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2017-01-25 09:01:39 UTC
Thank you so much for your comments! I didn't know how to do that..! I learned one thing from you!
Asked by sophie.shin on 2017-01-25 09:13:45 UTC