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Autonomous driving with Hector Slam

First, thank you everyone who has helped me, you are epic. I am just trying to get my proof of concept robot up and running quickly :)

So, I have a robot with Lidar on it, its running Hector Slam which publishes a /odem frame. The robot also has a nav_msg (teleop control works) so it can be controlled.

I have fired up Rviz and have the map showing, and if I manually pickup the robot, the map updates etc.

Now I want to be able to tell it to go somewhere? I seen people mention gmapping, ros navigation stack and amcl however I read that these are not needed for Hector Slam? I see there is a hectorexplorationplanner package?

If someone can just help me get to the point where I can say, go over there in RVIZ, happy to buy them a beer! I am also on the ROS Slack Channel if anyone else is.

Asked by burf2000 on 2017-01-19 07:47:26 UTC


Did you find an answer or a solution? I am also stuck with how to use and implement the hector_exploration_planner

Asked by hasnain on 2018-03-26 06:16:02 UTC

Did you guys get any luck with this? I am currently at this stage with my car robot. I have the rplidar and Hector Slam running. I also saved a map that I scanned (the .tfw file). The only difference I can see from my robot is that I don't have an odom frame.

Asked by KennyxD on 2020-11-01 23:53:00 UTC
