move_base_node not subscribed to laserscan
In my costmapcommonparams.yaml i have the following sources:
observation_sources: scan bump
scan: {data_type: LaserScan, topic: base_scan, marking: true, clearing: true, min_obstacle_height: 0.0, max_obstacle_height: 1.0}
bump: {data_type: PointCloud2, topic: pointcloud, marking: true, clearing: false, min_obstacle_height: 0.0, max_obstacle_height: 0.1}
But for some reason when using rostopic echo /base_scan it only shows the subscribers:
rostopic info /base_scan
Type: sensor_msgs/LaserScan
* /depthimage_to_laserscan (http://gijs-Latitude-E7470:41504/)
* /amcl (http://gijs-Latitude-E7470:43920/)
* /rviz (http://gijs-Latitude-E7470:46177/)
* /rtabmap/rtabmapviz (http://gijs-Latitude-E7470:37322/)
* /rtabmap/rtabmap (http://gijs-Latitude-E7470:46750/)
While it should also say /movebasenode for the local costmap. Which can be seen at rostopic echo /pointcloud
rostopic info /base_scan
Type: sensor_msgs/LaserScan
* /depthimage_to_laserscan (http://gijs-Latitude-E7470:41504/)
* /amcl (http://gijs-Latitude-E7470:43920/)
* /rviz (http://gijs-Latitude-E7470:46177/)
* /rtabmap/rtabmapviz (http://gijs-Latitude-E7470:37322/)
* /rtabmap/rtabmap (http://gijs-Latitude-E7470:46750/)
What is wrong with my setup?
EDIT: Another weird thing I found out is that even when removing this line
bump: {data_type: PointCloud2, topic: pointcloud, marking: true, clearing: false, min_obstacle_height: 0.0, max_obstacle_height: 0.1}
It will still work with the bumper sensor but not with the laserscan for some reason.
Asked by gijsje170 on 2016-12-14 08:01:41 UTC
Could you provide the complete output of
rostopic list
? Also, maybe try enclosing the observation sources value in quotes:"scan bumb"
Asked by jacobperron on 2016-12-14 12:20:52 UTC
what was the solution to this question? It has been closed. I'm having the same problem and this could benefit me. Please help
Asked by pk99 on 2021-04-23 04:00:01 UTC