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I'm new to ROS. I read almost all tutorials, and I think I've understand most of concepts. But I'm not sure to have a clear global view how they all interact. Besides, some of the tutorials only show how to use C++, and I mainly want to use Python...
Some months ago, I started to write Py4bot, a Python framework for multi-legs robots, in order to control an 4 DoF hexapod. It works fine, but I now want to use ROS to control this robot, as it offers much more features!
But I don't know where to start to write the code. As said, I would like to use Python as much as possible, and have a clean tree so people can easily get my code. I would also like to clearly separate different parts (robot description, gait sequencer, remote controls...) so they can be re-used elsewhere.
Could you point me to a tutorial explaining what I have to do, in which order? What file structure do you suggest? What tools do I need to use for the different parts? In what order should I code (urdf, services, topics, messages...)?
Thanks for any advice.
Asked by fma on 2016-11-16 08:43:13 UTC
A good way to practice and get better is porting the C++ tutorials to Python. Then, you can add them to the wiki to help others.
Asked by jayess on 2017-12-01 17:00:14 UTC
Funny you answer now! My post was written last year, and I didn't really use ROS since; I just started again to learnROSt a few days ago! I have a better overview, now, and I'm able to write simple Python scripts to use basic tools (messages, services, actions...). My next move is to dig into KDL...
Asked by fma on 2017-12-02 02:08:35 UTC