How can i read futaba sbus signal(serial bus) through usb adapter
Hi there I have a ongoing project regarding an indoor autonomous drone. My idea was to use a rp lidar to sense the surrounding and obstacles given. The transmitter's receiver will be connected a USB adapter to a NUC through ROS, this is to allow me to edit the sbus signal to the flight controller. However the problem i faced right now is that the signal from the receiver shown in the ROS is gabled.
The result shown is attached below.
papapa@papapa-desktop:~/catkin_ws$ ls /dev/ttyUSB*
papapa@papapa-desktop:~/catkin_ws$ rosrun serial serial_example /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
9, String read: ���`���
9, String read: �`���s^�
9, String read: �P���o��
9, String read: �`���s^
9, String read: �`���s^
9, String read: ��?s�s
9, String read: �P���o
9, String read: �P���o��
9, String read: �`���s^
9, String read: �`���o��
9, String read: �`���s^�
9, String read: �P���s\
The installed serial package
and the edited example
Thank you for your help.
My USB adapter is baite13-009a and receiver is frsky x4r
however the result was garbled. Can you help me with this issue?
Asked by zyb1777 on 2016-11-10 03:51:39 UTC