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How to customize hectorSlam to create accurate map of a maze, which is solved by my turtlebot?

I want to use Hector Slam to create a map of a maze, that my turtlebot(2) will create while solving the maze. In the hectorSlam tutorial(, it is said that using the following parameter value for odomframe, in case my bot doesn't have any roll/pitch motion(in the mappingdefault.launch file) :

param name="odomframe" value="baseframe" /

Also I have the following lines in the (~/hectorslamlaunch/launch) tutorial.launch file, as mentioned in another tutorial site:

node pkg="tf" type="statictransformpublisher" name="baseframetolaser" args="0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0/baseframe /laser 10" /

node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="rviz" args="-d $(find hectorslamlaunch)/rvizcfg/mappingdemo.rviz"/

Now, when I ros launch hector slam (after running the hokuyonode, launching turtlebotbringup minimal.launch, and roscore) the rviz runs fine and I can seen the 2-D boundaries fine(as in the tutorial videos). However the terminal window shows a warning:

[ INFO] [1478136263.694736497]: lookupTransform baseframe to laser timed out. Could not transform laser scan into baseframe.

Also the location of the bot jumps around to some other coordinate at times, which is not desirable in bot that solving a maze. ( cuz I need to get the correct path that it followed to come out of the maze!!)

So my question is, 1)how do I get rid of the warning? 2)what does the added piece of code in the tutorial.launch file mean 3)how do I minimize the jumping effect? 4)would I help if I change 'odomframe' parameter value to 'odom' instead of 'baseframe'? 5)And if so how? Because when I tried replacing the parameter value to odom_fame it gave an error, so perhaps I also have to modify the tutorial.launch file..?

I just started ROS less than 2 weeks back. SO I AM A NOOB. PLEASE ELABORATE.

Asked by Shubhayu Das on 2016-11-02 21:44:27 UTC

