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Error while using kdl parser

Hi, I am trying to use kdl_parser to parse my model in a tree. I have followed this tutorial and this is how my code looks like

 KDL::Tree my_tree;
 kdl_parser::treeFromFile("pr2.urdf", my_tree) ;

My urdf file is in src folder same as launch file. When i run y code I get following error

[ERROR] [1478057330.280260467]: Error document empty.
[ERROR] [1478057330.280322948]: Could not generate robot model

if i remove above chunk of code error disappears. I am not sure whats wrong here. would be thankful for help

Asked by ZainMehdi on 2016-11-01 22:34:24 UTC


Are you sure URDF is formatted correctly? See 5.1 in URDF wiki.

Asked by JoshMarino on 2016-11-01 22:46:33 UTC

robot name is: r2d2 ---------- Successfully Parsed XML --------------- root Link: axis has 3 child(ren) child(1): leg1 child(2): leg2 child(3): body child(1): head child(1): rod child(1): box

urdf seems fine ...

Asked by ZainMehdi on 2016-11-01 23:05:50 UTC
