How to cuztomize ros_control or Pr2 controller for your robot simulation ?
Hi, I am basically trying to implement operational space control on 7dof manipulator. I understand how things work in theory but having difficulty implementing it. ros_control is quite ambiguous for me as I dont know how to customize it for my purpose.I need to teleoperate it but before that I need to manually control it. Also pr2 controllers are written for PR2 and cannot be used on my robot schunk lwa3. Any help would be appreciated and please pardon my lack of knowledge I am a beginner.
Asked by ZainMehdi on 2016-10-27 19:44:09 UTC
have u solved this ?
Asked by asdxcsd on 2017-02-15 03:14:37 UTC
@asdxcsd Not completely but I made some progress. If you specify explicitly what you want I might be able to help you out
Asked by ZainMehdi on 2017-02-16 14:36:49 UTC