Polishing Tool Tip Position Tracking
I am working on a project in which I am using a Mitsubishi Industrial Robot to perform polishing of metal parts. I want to track the position of the polishing tool in the workspace during the polishing operation using a camera. The plan is to mount the camera vertically on top of the space where the workpiece is polished.
Here youcan find a raw sketch to describe what I had initially planned.
I have a few questions pertaining to the concept.
- Will the kinect camera be able to detect the position of the tool tip during the polishing operation?
- What will be the accuracy of the measured position? Can it be improved by calibration?
- What kind of marker could I use on the robot or the tool, if needed?
- What is the best place to mount the camera in order to track the position of the marker?
Any help and advice is greatly appreciated!
Asked by R.Mehra on 2016-10-25 06:20:44 UTC
Hey, I'm also doing similar works on robot polishing. I want to use PCL to generate a mesh like file for the depth information. But I could't think of a way to generate the trajectory. I wonder if you get any luck with your projects?
Asked by thompson104 on 2017-07-23 20:13:58 UTC