turtlebot_follower node doesn't receive topic "depth/image_rect"
I tried turtlebotfollower app with kinectv2. I checked turtlebotfollower source code follow.cpp, and I found the turtlebotfollow node subscribe a topic "depth/imagerect" which type is sensormsgs::Image. I checked rosparam list, and I found that the topic "depth/imagerect" which type is sensor_msgs::Image is published from kinect2 node.
I don't know why turtlebotfollower node doesn't receive topic "depth/imagerect"... If you have some idea, could you help me? My environment is following.
OS : Ubuntu16.04 ROS : Kinetic Camera : Kinectv2 Robot : Turtlebot2(kobuki)
I typed following commands before launching turtlebot_follower.
- roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch
- roslaunch kinect2bridge kinect2bridge.launch publish_tf:=true
- rosrun depthimagetolaserscan depthimagetolaserscan image:=/kinect2/sd/imagedepthrect outputframeid:=/basekinect2_link
- roslaunch turtlebot_follower follower.launch
rqtgraph which is drawn after launching turtlebotfollwer is here.
Asked by graziegrazie on 2016-10-24 06:04:09 UTC