Copying measurement using Pointcloud2
Hi there,
I have a Pointcloud containing 200 measurements, where every measurement contains 4 values (x,y,z coordinate and intensity). Basically, I want to split my pointcloud into two new pointclouds, one containing all measurements with x > 10 and one containing all measurements with x < 10. (Each measurement should consist of x,y,z and intensity). However, I have not found an elegant way to do this, apart from reading and writing every of those four values on their own. Does anybody know some kind of a "CopyThisMeasurement" function to do this?
Thanks in advance!
Asked by dmeiicsh on 2016-09-12 11:01:02 UTC
Forgot to say: I would like to use PointCloud2
Asked by dmeiicsh on 2016-09-12 11:02:29 UTC