How to make a python script as executable
I have a python script downloaded from github which suits my requirement, when i follow the steps followed to build the .cpp file it fails to build the script as executable. How to make the python script as executable?
Direct me to the tutorials or any knowledge base.
Asked by Kishore Kumar on 2016-09-08 15:55:03 UTC
This is not a ROS releated question. I recommend searching for this on a place like stackoverflow.
Asked by tfoote on 2016-09-08 16:14:06 UTC
It is ros related because i want to build it inside ROS workspace and run the node with rosrun command. There is python nodes for ROS, I just want to build it catkin_make. Can you please reopen it?
Asked by Kishore Kumar on 2016-09-08 17:03:14 UTC
You don't need to build a python script. Please consider searching before you ask a question.
Asked by tfoote on 2016-09-08 17:30:18 UTC
chmod +x
Asked by alienmon on 2016-09-08 20:54:33 UTC