Instantiating messages from bagfile yields nullpointer
Hi, I have problems changing the code from this example so that it fits my needs. This is the scenario: I want to benchmark my code with some real world data. So I'm trying to read a previously recorded bagfile and feed it into my benchmarking code. I use a library that executes a given function n times and then tells me how long it took. My goal is to read a new sensor_msgs::PointCloud2
and some transformation data in each of the n iterations and perform some calculations on it. The example I changed used a BOOST_FOREACH
loop to iterate through the whole bagfile. As I only want to do 100 iterations, I only have to read the first 100 point clouds from the bagfile. This is why I want to access the rosbag::View::iterator
Now my problem is, that I always end up with a nullpointer when I instantiate a message via the iterator. This is how I implemented it:
class BagReader {
BagReader(std::string const &filename);
void addTopic(std::string const &name);
void readNextMessage();
template <typename MessageType>
boost::shared_ptr<MessageType> getMessage() {
if (!view) {
view.reset(new rosbag::View(*bag, rosbag::TopicQuery(topics)));
messageIterator = view->begin();
// The instantiation of the message will be a smart pointer.
boost::shared_ptr<MessageType> ptr = messageIterator->instantiate<MessageType>();
return ptr; // >>> THIS IS NULL. IT SHOULD BE AN INSTANCE OF MessageType. <<<
boost::scoped_ptr<rosbag::Bag> bag;
boost::scoped_ptr<rosbag::View> view;
rosbag::View::iterator messageIterator;
std::vector<std::string> topics;
#include "BagReader.h"
BagReader::BagReader(std::string const &filename) : bag(new rosbag::Bag(filename)) {
BagReader::~BagReader() {
void BagReader::addTopic(std::string const &name) {
void BagReader::readNextMessage() {
if (messageIterator != view->end())
messageIterator = view->begin();
Now I initialize my reader giving it the path to a bagfile and adding the two topics i want to read from:
std::string const &path = bagfilesDirectory + "/dice_detection.bag";
bagReader.reset(new BagReader(path));
Then I do the following to iterate through the messages of the bagfile:
sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr cloud = bagReader->getMessage<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>();
// Do something with the cloud...
Asked by Robert Grönsfeld on 2016-08-08 07:51:36 UTC