How to generate a Pointcloud2
I have Sonar Sensors on my robot. These are publishing Data as Range (in Rviz).
I use the Sonarsensor.urdf.xacro:
Here a little snippet of the rostopic echo:
seq: 11550
secs: 1155
nsecs: 100000000
frame_id: front_sonar_1_link
radiation_type: 0
field_of_view: 0.349065989256
min_range: 0.119999997318
max_range: 5.0
range: 1.43013095856
I have 16 of these sonars. I want to have only one Pointcloud2 to be published. Have anyone an idea how to make it. I'm not realy familar with these.
Another litte question: My Sonar has a max_range of 5 Meters but the maximum range I get ist roound about 1.4 m. Even if there is nothing Around.
thnaks in advance!
Asked by eed on 2016-08-05 02:31:43 UTC