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hector mapping and naviagtion


I have a rplidar laser scanner and use rplidar driver to obtain my /scan topic. I use the hector mapping launch file to generate a map as I dont have an IMU, and sucessfully manage to create a map.

Now I want to use this map in move_base launch fíle to navigate in the map created.

I followed the instructions here, and everthing loads well without error.

My question is now where do I get the odom from (I'm actually launching the hector_mapping again, remapping the /map topic so as to not cause any interference to the one published by map serve in move base). Is this the right way?

If I do that then, the odom is connected to a different map now rather than the map I already generated.

Can any one tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to correct it please? Thanks in advance.

Asked by b-sriram on 2016-07-19 01:51:15 UTC

