oculus rviz plugin with Kinetic
I've come across the Oculus Rift - RVIz plugin offered by OSUrobotics https://github.com/OSUrobotics/oculusrvizplugins and have noticed that it seems to be incompatible with the current version of RVIz that is released with Kinetic (seems to work properly on Indigo). Before running through and patching it myself, thought it would be worth the ask - Anybody here already working on this issue?
Asked by luehm 7421 on 2016-07-04 02:44:44 UTC
I was going to suggest to ask on the issue tracker over at
(which is a fork of the original oculus RViz plugin btw), but I see you already did that.Asked by gvdhoorn on 2016-07-04 03:36:32 UTC