frame rate difference with ueye camera
Hi, i'm using ueye package for using 2 ueye camera for stereo processing.I did like this
rosrun ueye stereo
and verfied the frame rate by
rostopic hz for the left camera it is 30.015 and for the right camera it is 29.143. How to get the same frame rate for stereo processing without hardware synchronisation? Details: ros-indigo-ubuntu14.04
Thanks in advance,
Asked by Annaiyan on 2016-07-01 12:37:54 UTC
I'm not sure if this is what you're asking, but you might be looking to sync messages. One way to achieve this is using message_filters to effectively sync the topics.
There is also a CameraSubscriber/Publisher in image_transport for syncing.
(As a side note, this package might be of interest to you.)
Asked by moates on 2016-07-01 15:03:38 UTC