Error when i run iai_kinect2
I had already install the ROS indigo,Setup my ROS environment and install libfreenect2 which run nice. But:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
git clone
cd iai_kinect2
rosdep install -r --from-paths .
error about rosdep hit me, as following:
turtlebot@turtlebot-HP-ZBook-14-G2:~/catkinws/src/iaikinect2$ rosdep install -r --from-paths .
ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolvedto system dependencies:
kinect2viewer: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [kinect2bridge]
kinect2bridge: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [kinect2registration]
kinect2calibration: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [kinect2bridge]
Continuing to install resolvable dependencies...
All required rosdeps installed successfully
help me! Thanks
Asked by Ziwen Qin on 2016-06-16 07:30:12 UTC