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Octomap Deserialization

I am having some trouble deserializing the Octomap message with ROS. I am using the octomapserver service "/octomapbinary" to get the octomap message. I understand that this now needs to be deserialized to be turned back into a useful Octomap object. It looks like the octomapmsgs should provide the conversion functions that I need. However, I have not been able to load them in python. Any pointers on what I'm doing wrong or what the import statement for the conversion functions should look like would be greatly appreciated. The documentation on deserializing messages from the "octomapbinary" topic is very sparse and I have not been able to find any sample implementations.

Thanks in advance, Aaron

Asked by AaronRay on 2016-06-14 18:56:24 UTC


Did you find a way to do this?

Asked by lahiruherath on 2017-11-19 10:18:13 UTC
