Synchronization of multiple messages

asked 2016-06-01 04:26:13 -0500

horczech gravatar image

I am trying to subscribe to 3 ros topics using the message_filters::Synchronizer I am subscribing to the three messages sensor_msgs::Image, sensor_msgs::LaserScan and nav_msgs::Odometry. The synchronizer works fine for the image and laser scan but when I add the Odometry message I am getting errors. Here is the code I use:

  message_filters::Subscriber<sensor_msgs::Image> image_sub(n, "/robot1/front_camera/image_raw", 1);
  message_filters::Subscriber<sensor_msgs::LaserScan> laser_sub(n, "/robot1/front_laser/scan", 1);
  message_filters::Subscriber<nav_msgs::Odometry> odom_sub(n, "/robot1/odom", 1);
  message_filters::Synchronizer<approx_sync> sync(approx_sync(30), image_sub, laser_sub, odom_sub);

  sync.registerCallback(boost::bind(&perception_callback, _1, _2, _3, &recognise,n));

And here are errors that I am getting after adding the Odometry message:

/usr/include/boost/bind/bind.hpp:525: error: invalid initialization of reference of type 'const boost::shared_ptr<const nav_msgs::Odometry_<std::allocator<void> > >&' from expression of type 'const boost::shared_ptr<const message_filters::NullType>'
         unwrapper<F>::unwrap(f, 0)(a[base_type::a1_], a[base_type::a2_], a[base_type::a3_], a[base_type::a4_], a[base_type::a5_]);

/opt/ros/jade/include/message_filters/signal1.h:75: error: no matching function for call to 'ros::MessageEvent<const message_filters::NullType>::MessageEvent(const ros::MessageEvent<const nav_msgs::Odometry_<std::allocator<void> > >&, bool)'
     Event my_event(event, nonconst_force_copy || event.nonConstWillCopy());

I know that it probably means that the input parameters of the callback function differs from the ones that I ma inputing. But I am not able to figure out what should I modify. Here is my callback function:

void perception_callback(const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr& msg_img, const sensor_msgs::LaserScan::ConstPtr& msg_laser,const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr& odom_msg, DetectPuck* recognise,ros::NodeHandle n)
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Vic gravatar image Vic  ( 2021-01-29 03:36:51 -0500 )edit