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What is the unit for velocity of the Dynamixel MX-28?


I'm using a MX-28 in wheel mode. when I'm putting the velue on 3 the servo turns with round about 1hz. what is it I'm setting there??

In the tuutorial they set the velocity with this publisher: rostopic pub -1 /pancontroller/command stdmsgs/Float64 -- 1.0

so what is the unit of the value 1.0??

best regards Michael

Asked by VimWonder on 2016-05-25 10:52:04 UTC




what i found out is:

float64 velocity # current joint speed (in radians per second)\n\

....that it should be rad. But I don't get it... because the servo is turning ons a sec, when I put the velue to 3. ... maby it's connected to the fact, that on wheel mode the resolution is 0 - 2047 instead of 0 - 1024 as in joint mode???

Asked by VimWonder on 2016-05-25 13:00:51 UTC
