depthimage to laserscan
Hi, i use kinect and i want to convert depthimage to laserscan. i create this file.launch:
<arg name="camera" default="camera"/>
<arg name="publish_tf" default="true"/>
<group if="$(arg scan_processing)">
<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="depthimage_to_laserscan" args="load depthimage_to_laserscan/DepthImageToLaserScanNodelet $(arg camera)/$(arg camera)_nodelet_manager">
<param name="scan_height" value="10"/>
<param name="output_frame_id" value="/$(arg camera)_depth_frame"/>
<param name="range_min" value="0.45"/>
<remap from="image" to="$(arg camera)/$(arg depth)/image_raw"/>
<remap from="scan" to="$(arg scan_topic)"/>
I receive this error:
Invalid roslaunch XML syntax: mismatched tag: line 11, column 2 The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
What can i do please?
Asked by Emilien on 2016-05-23 09:53:00 UTC
You are missing the group closing XML tag:
<arg name="camera" default="camera"/>
<arg name="publish_tf" default="true"/>
<group if="$(arg scan_processing)">
<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="depthimage_to_laserscan" args="load depthimage_to_laserscan/DepthImageToLaserScanNodelet $(arg camera)/$(arg camera)_nodelet_manager">
<param name="scan_height" value="10"/>
<param name="output_frame_id" value="/$(arg camera)_depth_frame"/>
<param name="range_min" value="0.45"/>
<remap from="image" to="$(arg camera)/$(arg depth)/image_raw"/>
<remap from="scan" to="$(arg scan_topic)"/>
</group> <!-- You are missing this!! -->
Asked by Javier V. Gómez on 2016-05-23 10:17:22 UTC
thank you, when i run: roslaunch fake_laser_pkg start_laser.launch, i receive this error:
[start_laser.launch] is neither a launch file in package [fake_laser_pkg] nor is [fake_laser_pkg] a launch file name The traceback for the exception was written to the log file what can i do please?
Asked by Emilien on 2016-05-24 08:44:53 UTC
Is that related with this question at all? If not, close this question (accepting the answer or if it does not solve the problem you report will have to give more info) and create a new one..
Asked by Javier V. Gómez on 2016-06-09 05:58:43 UTC