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How to change size of the inflation in move_base costmap?

image description

This is how the costmap looks right now. The yellow stuff has the value 254. The blue stuff has the value 253. I want to expand the portions of value 253, but no matter what parameters I change in

Nothing changes in rviz. Parameters right now are:

maxvelx: 0.2 minvelx: 0.0

maxvely: 0.0 minvely: 0.0

maxtransvel: 0.2 mintransvel: 0.0

maxrotvel: 0.3 minrotvel: 0.05

simtime: 2.0 simgranularity: 0.025

goaldistancebias: 32
pathdistancebias: 25
occdist_scale: 0.001

stoptimebuffer: 0.2
oscillationresetdist: 0.1

forwardpointdistance: 0.2

scalingspeed: 0.25
scaling_factor: 0.2

vxsamples: 10 vysamples: 10
vtheta_samples: 20

sim_period: 0.1

xygoaltolerance: 0.2
yawgoaltolerance: 0.2

rotstoppedvel: 0.0
transstoppedvel: 0.01

obstacle_range: 6.5

raytrace_range: 6.0

inflation_radius: 2

costscalingfactor: 0.5

robot_radius: 1

maxobstacleheight: 1.7

minobstacleheight: 1.0

observation_sources: scan

scan: {datatype: PointCloud2, topic: /velodynepointsbase, marking: true, clearing: true, expectedupdate_rate: 0}


global_frame: /map

robotbaseframe: /base_link

update_frequency: 2.0

publish_frequency: 2.0

static_map: true

rolling_window: false

resolution: 0.05

transform_tolerance: 2.0

map_type: costmap

width: 30.0

height: 30.0


  - {name: static_map,              type: "costmap_2d::StaticLayer"}  

  - {name: obstacles,               type: "costmap_2d::VoxelLayer"} 

  - {name: scancalssifier_layer,    type: "scan_classifier_layer_namespace::ScanClassifierLayer"}  

  - {name: inflation_layer,         type: "costmap_2d::InflationLayer"}  


global_frame: /map

robotbaseframe: /base_link

update_frequency: 2.0

publish_frequency: 2.0

static_map: true

rolling_window: false

width: 2.0

height: 2.0

resolution: 0.05

transform_tolerance: 2.0

Asked by erwhelewoli on 2016-05-18 07:46:50 UTC



I think the parameter you want is inflation_radius in costmap.yaml. Also, take a look at this thread:

P.S.: Sometimes when I change a parameter in a .yaml file, nothing changes if I don't restart ros master..

Asked by MariaKrgr on 2016-05-23 05:16:59 UTC


Yeah!! Thanks! The change happens after I restart ros master! Thanks!

Asked by jjbecomespheh on 2020-07-29 23:14:15 UTC