Moving laser frame causing problem
I am using lidar lite v2 with gmapping. The lidar is rotated using a motor. To incorporate moving lidar, I have applied transform from lidar frame i.e baselaser to baselink is using a variable angle which is sent by the lidar motor. It works perfectly fine as I can see the lidar frame constantly rotating in Rviz. But, due to this, the transform from map to odom or baselink keeps changing constantly which causes the map frame to move constantly in Rviz while all other frames are stationary (except baselaser). When I use a nonvarying/constant transform from baselaser to baselink (as if the lidar was stationary), then it works fine and the map frame does not float in Rviz (or in other words, transform from map to odom/baselink does'not change). Any ideas on how to resolve this? Thanks.
Asked by b2meer on 2016-05-13 11:40:02 UTC