extrinsic calibration of a kinect camera
hello evry one,
i have problem to make the extrinsic calibration of the kinect i have ros-indigo, i follow the steps but i can't get the RGB and IR data simultaneously , please help me
Asked by Abdou on 2016-05-02 17:12:50 UTC
Just follow the steps in the tutorial. The Kinect cannot stream color and IR at the simultaneously, but the tutorial contains detailed explanations how to work around that.
Asked by Martin Günther on 2016-05-03 02:25:02 UTC
hello Martin, thank you for your reply,
I followed the tutorial but I can not get the IR and RGB data at the same time, I work withROS indigo ,
any suggestion ?
Asked by Abdou on 2016-05-03 04:47:02 UTC
As I wrote: it is impossible to get IR and RGB data at the same time. This is okay. The tutorial explains how to first record a rosbag of RGB data, and then IR data. Please follow the tutorial step by step.
Asked by Martin Günther on 2016-05-03 06:22:14 UTC