ar_sys camera calibration problem ...
hi. i want to run ar_sys package . But i dont know that how i will define my laptop's camera to ROS . And i dont know how can i pass the proper launcher parameters (see launch files for details) to meet my camera device, calibration URI, pointing to the correct board configuration.
May u explain that with picture or video or explain it here ? Thanks.
when i try to run roslaunch ar_sys single_board.launch
There is this Error :
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): pixel format unavailable
[ INFO] [1461717403.333087263]: ArSys node started with marker size of 0.050000 m and board configuration: /opt/ros/indigo/share/ar_sys/data/single/board.yml
Asked by Nikola_Tesla on 2016-04-28 04:46:27 UTC
duplicate of
Asked by ahendrix on 2016-05-04 01:26:04 UTC