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How can I use a non-native resolution calibration with ar_pose?

Hello all, I'm trying to use ar_pose with a fisheye lens on a GigE Vision camera (specifically, a Vimba). Since the lens doesn't expose the whole sensor I am left with a choice, either use with very poor x coverage, or set the region of interest in the camera to only send back the square of pixels that actually contain information and calibrate on that. I tried it the first way first with mediocre results so I'm trying it the second way now but I'm hitting a problem; when I hit Store to store the calibration parameters in the camera it errors out because the resolution of the calibration doesn't match the resolution of the sensor.

What I want to do is use the camera with the reduced region of interest, but change the node that arpose gets the camerainfo topic from (currently it's from the driver that gets the info from the camera, I want to replace it with something that reads it from disk). I don't think that's too hard to do, I'm just a ROS newb.

Asked by dunmatt on 2016-04-25 14:30:09 UTC

