Image from Raspberry Pi 2, with indigo in Raspbian Jessie
Hi everyone:
I created two image from Raspberry Pi 2, with indigo in Raspbian Jessie.
They are prepared to work with them and have sample code in the workspace ~/catking_ws
Jessie Ros Base: This image have a basic installation, as explained intallation UbuntuARM the link of download this link and the
SH1 - 81f853255c45e82b4cb2a653cfcdcc26d0a5cf7a
. You need to install a SD > 7.5 Gb.Jessie ROS Desktop: This image have the next tools list:
actionlibtutorials, angles, bond, bondcpp, bondpy, catkin, classloader, cmakemodules, colladaparser, controlmsgs, cppcommon, cvbridge, diagnosticaggregator, diagnosticanalysis, diagnosticcommondiagnostics, diagnosticmsgs, diagnosticupdater, dynamicreconfigure, eigenconversions, eigenstlcontainers, filters, gencpp, genlisp, genmsg, genpy, geometricshapes, geometrymsgs, imagegeometry, imagetransport, interactivemarkertutorials, interactivemarkers, jointstatepublisher, kdlconversions, lasergeometry, mapmsgs, mediaexport, messagefilters, messagegeneration, messageruntime, mk, navmsgs, nodelet, nodelettopictools, nodelettutorialmath, octomap, orocoskdl, pluginlib, pluginlibtutorials, pythonorocoskdl, pythonqtbinding, qtdotgraph, qtgui, qtguicpp, qtguipycommon, randomnumbers, resourceretriever, rosbag, rosbagmigrationrule, rosbagstorage, rosbash, rosboostcfg, rosbuild, rosclean, rosconsole, rosconsolebridge, roscpp, roscppserialization, roscpptraits, roscpptutorials, roscreate, rosgraph, rosgraphmsgs, roslang, roslaunch, roslib, roslint, roslz4, rosmake, rosmaster, rosmsg, rosnode, rosout, rospack, rosparam, rospy, rospytutorials, rosservice, rostest, rostime, rostopic, rosunit, roswtf, rqtaction, rqtbag, rqtbagplugins, rqtconsole, rqtdep, rqtgraph, rqtgui, rqtguicpp, rqtguipy, rqtimageview, rqtlaunch, rqtloggerlevel, rqtmoveit, rqtmsg, rqtnavview, rqtplot, rqtposeview, rqtpublisher, rqtpycommon, rqtpyconsole, rqtreconfigure, rqtrobotdashboard, rqtrobotmonitor, rqtrobotsteering, rqtruntimemonitor, rqtservicecaller, rqtshell, rqtsrv, rqttftree, rqttop, rqttopic, rqtweb, selftest, sensormsgs, shapemsgs, shapetools, smach, smachmsgs, smachros, smclib, stdmsgs, stdsrvs, stereomsgs, tf, tf2, tf2msgs, tf2py, tf2ros, tfconversions, topictools, trajectorymsgs, turtleactionlib, turtletf, turtletf2, turtlesim, urdfparserplugin, visualization_msgs, xmlrpcpp.
The link of download this link and theSH1 - 019f643222ec00c2642208aef32411678096f8e9
. You need to install a SD > 8 Gb.
To write the image:
I hope you help in your future projects.
Asked by jncjaen on 2016-04-13 12:57:19 UTC
thanks so much! works perfect on my raspberry pi 2. this has saved me a lot of effort. i've since installed openni drivers which works very well too!
Asked by neomatrix on 2016-05-22 23:59:15 UTC
I hope they help more people. Thanks for your comment. if it helps for more personaes please comment. Thanks :)
Asked by jncjaen on 2016-05-27 20:26:34 UTC
i'm helping to spread this link to everyone who has problems installing ros. i used to face a lot of problems esp with ram issues when compiling etc and wasted days on it. your image took me an hour to download and 5 mins to flash onto the sd card. thanks again! =)
Asked by neomatrix on 2016-05-27 20:50:35 UTC
How do I download this as the site says I have to sign up to download it?
Asked by burf2000 on 2016-12-05 08:28:09 UTC
I am using your image(Thanks for uploadinng :-)).when I try launching roscore , the process rosout keeps dying and respawning. could you help me fix this?
Asked by Aswath on 2016-07-25 13:13:15 UTC
hey, I am trying to ssh, but the default password doesn't work, can you tell me what is the password?
Asked by Fua on 2016-10-03 10:49:23 UTC
Hi everyone. The first question: I think is in the code. I need more information. The second question: I remember is user "pi" and the password "raspberry". ***Not use the "
I hope help you ;)
Asked by jncjaen on 2016-10-03 11:23:31 UTC
Unless can use ssh, you could change in raspberry pi menu configuration:
Asked by jncjaen on 2016-10-03 11:30:39 UTC
The download link you provide requires installing a browser extension. Moreover my download canceled as I exeeded my daily "free download quota". Thank you for your efforts but I consider this type of download platform a major nono!
Asked by Florian_W on 2016-10-26 08:02:04 UTC