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Error in loading kinematic_model_tutorial.launch

hi everyone,

I recently installed moveit on ros-groovy. I am trying to to launch kinematicmodeltutorial.launch file from pr2moveittutorials.

It is giving me following error,

ERROR: Links 'torsoliftlink' and 'rwristrolllink' do not form a chain. Not included in group 'rightarm' .

WARN: Group 'right_arm' is empty.

ERROR: Links 'torsoliftlink' and 'lwristrolllink' do not form a chain. Not included in group 'leftarm'.

WARN: Group 'left_arm' is empty.

WARN: Group 'right_arm' must have at least one valid joint.

WARN: Failed to add group 'right_arm'.

WARN: Group 'left_arm' must have at least one valid joint.

WARN: Failed to add group 'left_arm'.

WARN: Could not process group 'arms' due to unmet subgroup dependencies.

WARN: Could not process group 'whole_body' due to unmet subgroup dependencies.

WARN: Could not identify parent group for end-effector 'lendeffector'.

WARN: Could not identify parent group for end-effector 'rendeffector'.

ERROR: Group state 'tuckrightarm' specified for group 'right_arm', but that group does not exist.

ERROR: Group state 'tuckleftarm' specified for group 'left_arm', but that group does not exist.

INFO: Model frame: /odom_combined.

[kinematicmodeltutorial-2] process has died [pid 5713, exit code -11, cmd /opt/ros/groovy/lib/pr2moveittutorials /kinematicmodeltutorial _name:=kinematicmodeltutorial _log:=/home/pr2admin/.ros/log/99548b10-fbe8-11e5-b808-00301bbffd17/kinematicmodeltutorial-2.log]. log file: /home/pr2admin/.ros/log/99548b10-fbe8-11e5-b808-00301bbffd17/kinematicmodeltutorial-2*.log

please help me to resolve this issue..

Asked by mathpati.nikhil on 2016-04-06 06:20:53 UTC

