Problem in rviz and gmapping
I have run the nodes for imu, laser sensor (lidar lite v2) and tf. Now, I am trying to create a map using gmapping and visualizing it in rviz. I am getting two problems.
When I move the robot using teleoperation, it does not move properly. It moves around a point which shows the odom frame and moves approximately in a circle.
The map created is not proper. It has white lines emerging from the centre to the borders of map, although the sensor data is publishing correctly on scan topic.
Any ideas on these problems ? Thanks.
Asked by b2meer on 2016-03-31 08:47:18 UTC
Can you provide a picture of the map that is generated?
Asked by pgigioli on 2016-03-31 09:22:48 UTC
unfortunately, i am unable to upload the picture here. The page says > 5 points required to upload files :/
Asked by b2meer on 2016-04-01 06:06:53 UTC
@b2meer i want to contact you i have a similar project. please can you give me an email or fb
Asked by marawy_alsakaf on 2017-11-29 07:10:50 UTC