Gazebo Can't read node
Hello.. I designed a robot and I want to make it climb a wall, so I use vacuum impeller to create negative pressure. but gazebo node can't connect to the node which control the impeller (called vacuum_teleop). So, what should I do to make them connected? and Is there another solution to make the robot climb the wall (make it sticky)?? Thanks in advance
Asked by Merolla Safwat on 2016-03-30 10:50:56 UTC
To connect ROS and Gazebo together, you may have to use or create a plugin that you will attach to your robot description's files.
Asked by F.Brosseau on 2016-03-31 01:53:24 UTC
thank you very much :) in fact, solved this problem but now I have another problem, I want to make multiagents system, I could to spawn multi robots but I can't control them
can you help me?
for more details
Thank you
Asked by Merolla Safwat on 2016-04-25 08:55:01 UTC