how to builde a map in a real time using orbslam2?
hi :
i want to use the orbslam2 to do an experiment about monocular. In the system there are some examples about how to use image sequences to do the experiment. But i want to do it with a real-time camera, witch means that don't need to get the image sequences first but try to get it from the camera in the real-time. So what should i do?
thank you very much! your answer is very important!
Asked by xiqing on 2016-03-27 22:05:46 UTC
You may need the following two steps: First, you launch a camera driver node, which publishes image topic. Meanwhile, the raw image topic should be rectified with image_proc node, which may need a calibration file provided by you. Second, compile the ROS mono example in ORB-SLAM2, and then run this node and set its subscribed topic to the above rectified image topic.
Asked by highlightz on 2016-04-18 22:03:57 UTC