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How to use Gazebo2 internal topics?

I want to use the internal gazebo topics for getting sensor data from the Gazebo simulator, but only links and model topics are available outside gazebo. How to use the gazebo's internal topics?

Asked by saleem on 2016-03-09 10:13:47 UTC


How do you create the sensor in Gazebo ? Can you use a gazebo_ros plugin like the libgazebo_ros_gpu_laser ?

Asked by F.Brosseau on 2016-03-09 11:52:06 UTC

I have opened gazebo using

rosrun gazebo_ros gazebo

I just dragged the model from the database. I am able to see the topics in Gazebo topic vizualisation, but these topics are not visible in rostopic list

Asked by saleem on 2016-03-09 13:49:25 UTC
