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Commands for navigation

Hi, I followed this tutorial but I positioned .yaml file in catkinws/src/navigation/navigation, movebase.launch file in catkinws/src/navigation/movebase/launch and robot.launch file in catkinws/src/navigation/costmap2d/launch. Then I type:

rosrun xv_11_laser_driver neato_laser_publisher _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 _firmware_version:=2
rosrun tf static_transform_publisher x y z yaw pitch roll frame_id child_frame_id period_in_ms
rosrun map_server map_server
rosrun move_base move_base
roslaunch costmap_2d robot.launch
roslaunch move_base move_base.launch

I want to know if the commands are correct or if something is missing, for example if I have to throw my launch file with which I do the mapping. I would also like to know how can I make sure everything is working properly: what should appear on the map? This also equates to exploration? Thank you.

Asked by papaclaudia on 2016-03-07 08:51:48 UTC

