Problem with moveit_commander interface; trying to plan trajectories for ur5 simulation with Gazebo
I apologise in advance, for I am very new to programming with ROS.
I have been trying to connect to a simulated ur5 through gazebo and control it in python using the moveit_commander interface.
After attempting to write a simple script for controlling the ur5 gazebo simulation using moveitcommander interface I'm receiving the following errors, firstly in the script terminal window and secondly in the terminal running the moveitplanning _execution node:
[ WARN] [1456503108.574669066, 548.823000000]: Joint values for monitored state are requested but the full state is not known
seq: 0
secs: 0
nsecs: 0
frame_id: /world
name: ['shoulder_pan_joint', 'shoulder_lift_joint', 'elbow_joint', 'wrist_1_joint', 'wrist_2_joint', 'wrist_3_joint']
position: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
velocity: []
effort: []
seq: 0
secs: 0
nsecs: 0
frame_id: /world
joint_names: []
transforms: []
twist: []
wrench: []
attached_collision_objects: []
is_diff: False
============ Generating plan 1
[ WARN] [1456503113.598260823, 551.508000000]: Fail: ABORTED: No motion plan found. No execution attempted.
============ Waiting while RVIZ displays plan1...
============ Visualizing plan1
============ Waiting while plan1 is visualized (again)...
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'class_loader::LibraryUnloadException'
what(): Attempt to unload library that class_loader is unaware of.
Aborted (core dumped)
All is well! Everyone is happy! You can start planning now!
[ INFO] [1456502653.160737839, 126.273000000]: Planning request received for MoveGroup action. Forwarding to planning pipeline.
[ INFO] [1456502653.162058984, 126.273000000]: No planner specified. Using default.
[ INFO] [1456502653.162381392, 126.273000000]: RRTConnect: Starting planning with 1 states already in datastructure
[ERROR] [1456502658.169349483, 130.953000000]: RRTConnect: Unable to sample any valid states for goal tree
[ INFO] [1456502658.170807752, 130.957000000]: RRTConnect: Created 1 states (1 start + 0 goal)
[ INFO] [1456502658.171010925, 130.957000000]: No solution found after 5.008731 seconds
[ INFO] [1456502658.209078107, 130.983000000]: Unable to solve the planning problem
[ INFO] [1456502658.216058459, 130.990000000]: Received new trajectory execution service request...
[ WARN] [1456502658.216106023, 130.991000000]: The trajectory to execute is empty
[ INFO] [1456503008.235511782, 473.390000000]: Planning request received for MoveGroup action. Forwarding to planning pipeline.
[ INFO] [1456503008.235972587, 473.390000000]: No planner specified. Using default.
[ INFO] [1456503008.236136625, 473.390000000]: RRTConnect: Starting planning with 1 states already in datastructure
[ERROR] [1456503013.247658046, 477.166000000]: RRTConnect: Unable to sample any valid states for goal tree
[ INFO] [1456503013.249219738, 477.172000000]: RRTConnect: Created 1 states (1 start + 0 goal)
[ INFO] [1456503013.249677542, 477.172000000]: No solution found after 5.013654 seconds
[ INFO] [1456503013.253513681, 477.174000000]: Unable to solve the planning problem
[ INFO] [1456503013.260155299, 477.178000000]: Received new trajectory execution service request...
[ WARN] [1456503013.260188972, 477.179000000]: The trajectory to execute is empty
[ INFO] [1456503108.575331207, 548.823000000]: Planning request received for MoveGroup action. Forwarding to planning pipeline.
[ INFO] [1456503108.575958594, 548.823000000]: RRTConnect: Starting planning with 1 states already in datastructure
[ERROR] [1456503113.584912230, 551.502000000]: RRTConnect: Unable to sample any valid states for goal tree
[ INFO] [1456503113.587574652, 551.504000000]: RRTConnect: Created 1 states (1 start + 0 goal)
[ INFO] [1456503113.591495319, 551.505000000]: No solution found after 5.015622 seconds
[ INFO] [1456503113.596049476, 551.507000000]: Unable to solve the planning problem
[ INFO] [1456503113.599612790, 551.508000000]: Received new trajectory execution service request...
[ WARN] [1456503113.599910654, 551.508000000]: The trajectory to execute is empty
^C[move_group-1] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
The important parts of both of these consoles, I believe are
============ Generating plan 1
[ WARN] [1456503113.598260823, 551.508000000]: Fail: ABORTED: No motion plan found. No execution attempted.
[ERROR] [1456503113.584912230, 551.502000000]: RRTConnect: Unable to sample any valid states for goal tree
which are suggesting that something's not quite working with either setting the target trajectory/pose or generating the plan in my code??
Here is my code, which has basically been adjusted (perhaps not suitably) from the moveit_commander tutorial with the pr2 provided by moveit.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import rospy
import moveit_commander
import moveit_msgs.msg
import geometry_msgs.msg
from std_msgs.msg import String
def test():
##initialize moveit_commander and rospy
print "============ Starting test setup"
rospy.init_node('test2', anonymous=True)
## Instantiate a RobotCommander object. This object is an interface to
## the robot as a whole.
robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander()
## Instantiate a PlanningSceneInterface object. This object is an interface
## to the world surrounding the robot.
scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface()
## Instantiate a MoveGroupCommander object. This object is an interface
## to one group of joints. In this case the group is the joints in the left
## arm. This interface can be used to plan and execute motions on the left
## manipulator.
group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander("manipulator")
## We create this DisplayTrajectory publisher which is used below to publish
## trajectories for RVIZ to visualize.
display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher(
moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory, queue_size=10)
## Wait for RVIZ to initialize. This sleep is ONLY to allow Rviz to come up.
print "============ Waiting for RVIZ..."
print "============ Starting test "
## Getting Basic Information
## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
## We can get the name of the reference frame for this robot
print "============ Reference frame: %s" % group.get_planning_frame()
## We can also print the name of the end-effector link for this group
print "============ Reference frame: %s" % group.get_end_effector_link()
## We can get a list of all the groups in the robot
print "============ Robot Groups:"
print robot.get_group_names()
## Sometimes for debugging it is useful to print the entire state of the
## robot.
print "============ Printing robot state"
print robot.get_current_state()
print "============"
## Planning to a Pose goal
## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
## We can plan a motion for this group to a desired pose for the
## end-effector
print "============ Generating plan 1"
pose_target = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose()
pose_target.orientation.w = 1.0
pose_target.position.x = 0.7
pose_target.position.y = -0.05
pose_target.position.z = 1.1
## Now, we call the planner to compute the plan
## and visualize it if successful
## Note that we are just planning, not asking move_group
## to actually move the robot
plan1 = group.plan()
##execute the plan for gazebo the recieve
print "============ Waiting while RVIZ displays plan1..."
## You can ask RVIZ to visualize a plan (aka trajectory) for you. But the
## group.plan() method does this automatically so this is not that useful
## here (it just displays the same trajectory again).
print "============ Visualizing plan1"
display_trajectory = moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory()
display_trajectory.trajectory_start = robot.get_current_state()
print "============ Waiting while plan1 is visualized (again)..."
if __name__=='__main__':
except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
So, I think the problem is coming at either the setposetarget(), or plan(), functions? Do I need to execute the generated plan using execute() for gazebo to receive the target pose? What do you guys think I might be doing wrong? I could have missed loads of stuff, in which case sorry!
Just a little more background:
Initially, I'm setting up the ur5 gazebo, move_group, and rviz nodes using the following commands:
roslaunch ur_gazebo ur5.launch
roslaunch ur5_moveit_config ur5_moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=true
roslaunch ur5_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch config:=true
as described on the ur gitub readme doc.
using Ros indigo desktop full, on ubuntu 14.04 vm, with ur5 packages downloaded from here.
Thanks so much in advance!
Asked by homesick-nick on 2016-02-26 12:11:26 UTC
I know this is kinda late but have you tried using a different planner? I would also recommend trying to see if you can move one joint of the robot by about 45 degrees first before you try moving the robot in Cartesian space.
Asked by Sidd on 2016-12-14 12:06:59 UTC
I think that initially moving the robot to any configuration is really hard for the planner because the ur starts off with the robot sleeping on the ground with all the joints at 0 deg.
Asked by Sidd on 2016-12-14 13:32:33 UTC