Rviz with ARtoolkit visualization

asked 2016-02-17 03:47:31 -0500

btaher20 gravatar image

updated 2016-02-17 11:20:27 -0500

Hello I am using artookit for getting my Camera pose to see in ROS rviz window. My Aruco board detect ID of Aruco markers as website describe(x,y,z----) but I can not see my camera distance in Rviz window. But I have problem
when I try to run these in command Terminal window following this below link http://wiki.ros.org/ar_tools I put all my files catkin_ws: inside catkin_ws (Aruco 1.2.4,Opencv 2.4.9,ros_catkin_ws,others) Now I have problem to see camera pose in Rviz window,I do not know how to add or integrate Aruco+Rviz window.

1 .Any such tutorial or command in Terminal That I can solve this problem. 2 .How I can save all my Ar_pose as files as it continously following through terminal ? 3. How can I add image instead of live camera ?

My Purpose is to detect Markers(Artoolkit/Aruco) for pose with my Laptop camera with respect to markers in Rviz window and also without camera means by passing images through algorithm. I found rviz window but no markers ID or pose. Could any body give any helpful tips.Thanks in Advance

Best Taher

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