service didn't show namespace.
launch file specify the node "surface_service" in namespace "opnear3".
the node "surfaceservice" has the function to provide one service "select service" ros::ServiceServer surfaceserver; surfaceserver_ = nh.advertiseService( "selectservice", &xxxx::selectcallback, this);
roslaunch launch file, I'm expecting the service name of "selectservice" will be /opnear3/selectservice when using rosservice list. in stead, in only shows /select_service.
Asked by on 2016-02-04 14:32:49 UTC
Did you try to include your node in a group in your launch file ?
<group ns="opnear3">
<node name="surface_service" .... />
Asked by F.Brosseau on 2016-02-05 03:01:57 UTC
I did try to put in the group, looks like it doesn't help.
Asked by on 2016-02-05 10:31:37 UTC
Because I want to get another service like /opnear4/select_service by running same ROS node in different namespace, is there any way to create service with namespace on it?
Asked by on 2016-02-04 14:50:31 UTC