problem with subscribing /map topic
Hi, I'm working with ROS Indigo.I subscribed the topic /map(occupancy grid) from turtlebot in gazebo and i want to use this data for my path planning program in python.But the subscribed topic is in the form of tuple.I want it in matrix format for path planning calculations(A* algorithm ). ... Is there any method to retrieve the data as matrix form from the topic /map. Can anybody help me to solve this problem.?
Asked by David John on 2015-12-31 12:31:51 UTC
Do you have specific format in mind? If so better to share it, by updating your question. If not, then is it a pure Python question? Then for example this might suit your need?
Asked by 130s on 2015-12-31 20:41:22 UTC
i converted that tuple to a matrix and will it be the same as the occupancy grid ?? How can i change the length and width of occupancy grid?
Asked by David John on 2016-01-03 04:45:05 UTC