usb_cam rosmake failed.
asus@asus-K46CB:~$ cd //home/asus/Desktop/ROS/usbcam/ asus@asus-K46CB://home/asus/Desktop/ROS/usbcam$ rosmake
[ rosmake ] rosmake starting...
[ rosmake ] No package or stack specified. And current directory 'usbcam' is not a package name or stack name.
[ rosmake ] Packages requested are: []
[ rosmake ] Logging to directory /home/asus/.ros/rosmake/rosmakeoutput-20151220-040002
[ rosmake ] Expanded args [] to:
[ rosmake ] ERROR: No arguments could be parsed into valid package or stack names.
i check nano .bashrc faile patch way. it is true . and i cant rosmake usb_cam patch. can u help me about that.
actually i am new on ROS . can u help me? i am beginner . i need make simulation in HECTOR SLAM. thanks.
Asked by Nikola_Tesla on 2015-12-19 20:45:01 UTC
You should not need to make the usb_cam package to use it. it should be compiled and ready to use.
Try typing "rosrun usb_cam usb_cam_node" this will tell you is the usb_cam package is installed and ready to used. If it isn't you will be able to install it used apt-get, no compiling necessary.
Asked by PeteBlackerThe3rd on 2015-12-20 14:01:40 UTC
i need new answers please reopen...
Asked by Nikola_Tesla on 2015-12-22 19:47:55 UTC