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getInflationRadius() no longer found in costmap_2d::Costmap2D (Navigation stack)

I pulled some of the code from the carlikemodel (Ackermann steered navigation stack) and found that a lot of the code is either deprecated or obsolete. A lot of function references to members and functions in the navigation stack have been either been moved or removed since then. I have been able to update a lot of the references, however, I have come across some functions to which there are no viable alternatives that I can find. Specifically, there is a reference to the member function of getInflationRadius() from the object of costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS which does not exist in the form: inflation_radius_ = costmap_ros_->getInflationRadius().

On checking the costmap_2d::Costmap2D Class Reference, it apparently seems to exist getInflationRadius(). However, the latest Indigo Navigation stack no longer seems to have this function.

Other relevant information:

Please do mention if there is anything I may have missed out. Thanks in advance!

Asked by Reuben John on 2015-12-14 05:12:06 UTC

