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Is there an example of robot_localization with amcl on turtlebot?

I'm trying to get the ekflocalization node working on the turtlebot without adding any sensors, and I'm having problems. I am wondering if this is something that someone has already done and has existing launch files for? The real work I want to do is add more sensors to it but I can't even get fusion of the /odom and /amclpose to work. If someone can point me to an example it would help greatly.

As an addition - I suspect my problem has to do with the fact the kobuki base defines a 'basefootprint' which is a parent of 'baselink', and robotstatepublisher publishes odom->basefootprint->baselink while ekflocalization expects a direct odom->baselink transform.

roswtf gives me these errors:

ERROR TF re-parenting contention:

ERROR TF multiple authority contention:

Asked by mkhansen on 2015-12-09 18:35:49 UTC



I don't think robot_state_publisher is publishing the odom->base_footprint transform. That is likely being done by the Kobuki driver. A quick look at the source code shows that it's publishing that transform. There appears to be a publish_tf setting that lets you turn off broadcast of the odom->base_footprint transform. Set that to false, then make sure your world_frame is set to odom for ekf_localization_node and your base_link_frame is set to base_footprint. tf represents its transforms as a tree, so you can't have more than one parent for a given frame. You also don't want multiple nodes publishing the same transform.

Asked by Tom Moore on 2015-12-16 20:34:08 UTC


Thanks Tom, this seems to have solved that problem, when I run roswtf those errors are now gone. However as soon as I move the robot I get this error --

Asked by mkhansen on 2015-12-18 13:52:40 UTC

Error: TF_NAN_INPUT: Ignoring transform for child_frame_id "base_footprint" from authority "unknown_publisher" because of a nan value in the transform (-nan -nan -nan) (-nan -nan -nan -nan)

Asked by mkhansen on 2015-12-18 13:53:33 UTC

So going back to my original question, do you have an example of ekf_localization working with Turtlebot?

Asked by mkhansen on 2015-12-18 13:54:18 UTC

I do not, no. I've never used a Turtlebot. NAN transform issues tend to mean you've got a bad covariance matrix specified either for your input data or within the parameters for the EKF.

Asked by Tom Moore on 2015-12-23 08:35:06 UTC

Do you have any working examples of using it with AMCL? If so, that may help me to debug my issue.

Asked by mkhansen on 2015-12-23 13:12:06 UTC

I'm afraid I don't, no, though I know others have done it.

Asked by Tom Moore on 2015-12-28 08:32:41 UTC

Hi mkhansen, Tom Moore, I have a same question now for my project,and would like to know any update here, since time past quite a lot now. Is there any example of robot_localization package working with Turtlebot and AMCL? Thank you in advance.

Asked by yunp on 2017-05-05 15:12:09 UTC

I don't have one, but if someone were to put something like that together, I would include it in the package as a sample config file.

Asked by Tom Moore on 2017-08-01 03:15:46 UTC

can you update this issue? Thanks!

Asked by asimay_y on 2016-03-14 23:11:19 UTC
