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the 3d map is not very good


when i use rtabmap_ros and bumblebee2 to build a 3d map, I found that my map is not very good as the stereo-mapping- outdoor-demo.For example, when i try to build a 3d point map for a table , I found that in the middle of the table there has a hole and it was not smooth just like missing a block of the table.

The launch file i used were stereomapping.launch and bumblebee.launch and all of these is from rtabmapros file.

So ,what should i do to change the result and have a better result?? I'm so appreciate for your answer !!Your answer is very important!! Thank you very much!

Asked by xiqing on 2015-11-08 03:48:30 UTC



For good 3D reconstruction using a stereo camera, it requires a lot of texture. The outdoor demo is in a very texturized environment. If your goal is to do 3D reconstruction indoor, I'll use an RGB-D sensor (e.g., Kinect, Kinect v2, Xtion Pro Live...), which gives depth values on surfaces with no texture.


Asked by matlabbe on 2015-11-08 10:35:25 UTC


what 3d map is good bye Xtion?

Asked by hosh on 2016-03-15 11:10:56 UTC