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Using the MySQL database in ROS Jade project

asked 2015-10-12 01:17:39 -0500

Sergey I. gravatar image

Hello! Who can give a reference to a working example of using the MySQL database in the ROS Jade project? The simplest example of cpp code mysql_init() and the contents of files cmakelists.txt and package.xml. I've seen similar questions, but there is not complete answer.

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Not an answer, but this shouldn't be any different from using MySQL without ROS: any example you can find elsewhere showing how to create a CMakeLists.txt for a MySQL program should work. ROS/Catkin does not add anything here. Just make sure to build_depend on libmysqlclient-dev.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2015-10-12 03:53:44 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2016-05-30 20:46:14 -0500

I did this in Kinetic, but I think it's same in Jade.

  1. Install Ubuntu, ROS and MySQL Server (Please search instruction yourself)
  2. Install libmysqlclient-dev (sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev)
  3. Create catkin package (follow tutorial)
  4. Make sure following code in "package.xml"



  <cpp lflags="-lmysqlclient"/>

5. Make sure following code in "CMakeList.txt" of your package, sequence is important.


find_package(MySqlClient REQUIRED)




6. Create a folder named "cmake-modules" in your package folder. This name is follow 1st line of code in step 5.

7. Copy contents in this URL: save it to "FindMySqlClient.cmake", in the folder you created in step 6.

8. In your .cpp file, add this include line:

    #include <mysql/mysql.h>

9. Here is a simple sample to get data from sys database.

    MYSQL *connection;  
    MYSQL_RES *result;  
    MYSQL_ROW row; 

    connection = mysql_init(NULL);
    connection = mysql_real_connect(connection, "mysqlserver", "username", "password", "sys", 0, NULL, 0);

    if(mysql_query(connection, "SELECT * FROM sys_config"))  
        ROS_INFO("Query Error: %s", mysql_error(connection));  

        result = mysql_use_result(connection); 
        for(int i=0; i < mysql_field_count(connection); ++i)  
            std::stringstream ss;  
            row = mysql_fetch_row(result);  
            if(row <= 0)  
            for(int j=0; j < mysql_num_fields(result); ++j)  
                ss << row[j] << " ";  
            ROS_INFO("%s", ss.str().c_str());  

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Asked: 2015-10-12 01:17:39 -0500

Seen: 1,313 times

Last updated: May 30 '16