exploration server died
Hello all,
sometimes the exploration server just died, and the clients are not able to reconnect.
[planner/exploreserver-19] process has died [pid 3405, exit code -6, cmd /home/yupufeng/catkinws/devel/lib/frontierexploration/exploreserver movebase:=/planner/movebase _name:=exploreserver _log:=/home/yupufeng/.ros/log/98ccbdea-673f-11e5-9c6d-94de8068b30c/planner-exploreserver-19.log].
the server is already set as respawn="true" in the launch file.
node pkg="frontierexploration" type="exploreserver" name="explore_server" respawn="true" output="screen"
Asked by vonyud on 2015-09-30 02:00:48 UTC